Have you ever thought about how Social Media impacts your Supply Chain?

Social Media seems to impact so many areas of our lives today and it impacts us in business too! In a huge way…

I should have thought of this earlier I know, but we really should have a Social Media Expert at our event in Sydney on October 26th. So I fixed that today. We’ll have one.

Think for a moment about how your Supply Chain could or should use Social Media. Are you using it already? In what ways? Maybe comment below.

Most people think of Social Media use in a business context as supporting sales and marketing. It’s all about brand positioning, product promotion and even taking online sales through platforms such as Facebook. And of course it has a massive impact there.

This of course also has a direct impact on your Supply Chain as online orders need to be handled differently from routine store replenishment orders. In fact one of our Experts will be talking about this specifically. Check out the program and look for SSI Schaeffer.  

But think of this. Social Media, is all about what?  Social! People talking and exchanging views and opinions. And that’s often about your products and service…

This is where it hits your Supply Chain Big Time. Because if your service is bad, a disgruntled customer is going to tell everyone they know! So you need a finger on the pulse and also need to know where your customers hangout and where you need to be engaging with them.


Where do your customers hangout? Do you know?

Each of the main platforms attracts a different demographic. Are they at:

  1. LinkedIn
  2. FaceBook
  3. YouTube
  4. Pinterest
  5. Instagram
  6. SnapChat
  7. Tumblr
  8. Twitter
  9. Whatsapp
  10. Or others?

How should you engage with those customers, to not only build your brand but be proactive in managing service issues?

Thankfully we have Alex O’Byrne, MD of Online Marketing Whiz coming along to coach one of our sessions.

Haven’t booked your tickets yet? Better pop up there to the top right and hit BOOK HERE.

If you use the promo code OLM you’ll get a ticket for only $47! For a whole day of Supply Chain coaching, fully catered! And the $47 goes to charity.

How good is that?